1'st Class

Venue: Epal center, Klang.
Date: Today

This is one of my sewing lessons today. I bought an Epal sewing machine, & i'm eligible to have 12 months free sewing course, 24 projects will be learn...i can't wait to start my project. Now i'm learning some basics & hopefully i can do well during my lessons...i can't further my study anymore i think. having 2 kids make my mind explode, then what i'll become if i do so, & what for?...i'm not going to go out for work anymore, my kids won't allow me, -sigh- ...i guess doing something at home is ideal for me....& this is what i've seek for after quitting my job. I hope this won't be hangat-hangat tahi ayam...if it happen my sewing machine will be one of my antique collections in my store room under the stairs...oh. no!!! don't let it be, think of the price, always think of the price!!!
"the best is yet to be..."



Mrs Shyza said…
kagummm....org pon beli mesin jahit,tp malasnye nk menjahit..mesin tu utk keperluan bile baju koyak or nk design blouse kasi labuh je..nnt ble tempah baju dgn k.ida la ni :D
EdaManAli said…
Kuza: k.ida br je blaja ni...br 0,1% kot...still kekok lg nk guna machine tu, sbb jrg2 sgt m'jhit...drp xde wat ape, kuza...

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