School Starts

I woke up early this morning...because I have to prepare Iman for his school. Today is his 1st day, so I don't want him to be late at school...Iman whined when awakened by Ayah, maybe because it was a little bit early for him to wake up. But when Ayah said this, "Cikgu masak kat sekolah Iman nanti tau, Iman boleh makan kat sekolah.." then he immediately wake up & went to toilet to take bath...hahahaaa...see the body laa...

 Happy face

On our way to Tadika Tahfiz Al-Fudhail, Iman seemed happy & excited to start his class. I felt relief when I see his cheerful face, but soon after we arrive, Iman was speechless & rigid because he saw a lot of people there, parents with their kids of course...After finding his class, then I ask Iman to get inside & stay with his teacher & friends. At first Iman seems don't want to be there, he just stand still & silent when I ask him to salam me. Soon after, he salam jugak, to me & ayah. Then he get inside and we all just leave him there.

Ummi try to calm Iman down...still can't stop crying...

At 1pm, we fetched him...Ayah went in front of the class door, ayah saw Iman crying but not so loud. Teacher then called his name, when he saw Ayah's face, Iman cried loudly, like meraung gitu...we were not sure what Iman felt after seeing his Ayah, but I think his feeling is quite same with the time we left him at nursery long ago.

Dear Iman, we don't mean to leave you there, we want you to have your early lesson at school because Ummi thinks it is the best for doesn't mean that Ummi don't want to take care of you. Next year Ummi will make sure that your sister will go to school with you, OK. 

Cheer again after makcik yg jual2 at Iman's school give him & Aisyah jajans...

"The Best is yet to be"


Kaklong Nuzula said…
alalala... iman pun dah gi sekolah yer...
EdaManAli said…
Kak Long : a'aa...dh skolah...xpe laa start awal...
2nd day nanges lg smpai kt skolah. tp time blk xnanges dh sbb teacher bg lollypop...heheheee...umpan baik pya...
Hazrey said…
Salam. Haha, I love his face masa nak pergi, in between and after the jajans! Hahah. Oh I miss my favourite nephew, Hafiz! Wanna ask him, dah kena ngurat ke belum? haha
EdaManAli said…
salam Hazrey,

tq for visiting my blog...
nk kene ngurat, nk kwn ngn bdk2 lain pn xreti mmg jenis xpandai b'sosial ni...
3rd day, dia meronta2 pulak dah...arghh...dugaan...xpe, he will get use to his new routine, sooner or later...
Hazrey said…
He will get used to it, worry not. Biar awekssss ngurat dia, hahaha
SuriUmmah said…
Iman mesti berani macam Ummi iman. Ummi iman dulu kecik saja tetapi sangat berani... hehe...terkenang suatu masa dulu di skpn....
EdaManAli said…
wahida a.k.a part yg xpandai b'kawan mmg ikut sifat saya mase saya kecik2 dulu laa...
bayangkan kalau g playground, kalau slide tu ade bdk2 lain main, iman ngn aisyah dua2 pon xnak main kat situ. pendek kate, mane je tmpt yg ade bdk2 lain dia xkan main...xcampo ngn org niii...

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