Aisyah's New Kitchen Set

Aisyah got new kitchen set...ummi bought her on last a present for her coming b'day. Ummi wanted to buy this kitchen set for Aisyah for so long, but Ummi had to wait for Ummi's purse to full with some money...ummi no longer working, remember. Ummi just do a small business to earn some money on her own. Because sometimes ummi feels like wanted to buy something for her kids using her own money, don't want to use ayah's money. Ummi glad that Aisyah like it so much, not only Aisyah...Iman also 'tumpang sekaki'...but this is cheaper compare to present that ayah had bought Aisyah last two weeks, a bicycle...but it's OK, as long as Aisyah love it, Ummi assume it's an appreciation from Aisyah of what Ummi had gave her...Ummi share with you some photos...

showing you...Aisyah's kitchen set!

nice pose

 got sink & tap

pot & pan

complete with kitchen hud


cups & plates, spoon & fork

mixer...bought a long time ago...

Now Aisyah got a complete kitchen & Aisyah can cook with Ummi...even Ummi still don't have kitchen like you, not also when I was kid even until now...huhuhuuuu...tgguu laa rumah kita siap, a couple of month more I guess...I'll make sure that all I wanted for so long will happen...

"The Best is yet to be"


Anonymous said…
boleh la iman dgn aisyah buka stall depan umah . . . jual nasi lemak . . . heheheh
EdaManAli said…
@hasz cda
kalah pulak tok teh, gerai mee celup tumpat kang...hehehee...
Anonymous said…
Ida..nampak berisi giler Iman & Aisyah..
EdaManAli said…
iye cik anonymous, iman laa yg ketara sgt nmpk b'isinye...asyah tu biase je...
♥ Mrs. C ♥ said…
bestnyer.. leh main masak2..
EdaManAli said…
Jom aa Syasya, main ngn Aisyah skali...Uzair pon bleh tumpang sekaki mcm abg Iman...jd chef...
[leily.laily] said…
shanteknyer menan dapur masak Aisyah yg baru ni..
kalo my doter tengok, sure guling² suh beli punye.. huhuhu, yg ada pon dh tak larat nk simpan, sana piyut, situ kuali.. adussshh, fening mak!
EdaManAli said…
@♥Leily|Ummi Alya Husna♥
heheh...same laa, bkn stakat periuk belanga dia je yg b'sepah, periuk belanga ummi pon dia wat main...haishhh...sbnrnye kitchen set ni pon ummi aisyah yg geram nk beli, ank xde mntk pon...maklumlaa, zaman bdk2 dulu main ngn tempurung klape je...hikhik...

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