Karaoke...kalo rase suara merdu...

Hey, Nur Kasih enthusiasts...(don't say u're not the one of them!)

Today, I'm gonna share with U a Nur Kasih video, it's kind a karaoke actually...so U can sing along if U feel like to. I've downloaded it from Youtube yesterday...somebody who is more fanatic than me (i guess) create the video with the lyric & uploaded it to Youtube. Then I change the format of the video to .avi because usually when we download any video from Youtube, we will get it in .flv format. To share video in blogspot, we must have .avi or .wmv or MPEG format. That's explain why I've change the format...sounds quite technical, right? I can teach U if U want...

enjoy this song by Yasin...I love it!


"The Best is yet to be"


hehe..selama ni silent reader jek..aku nak tanya ni,aku biasa pilih .mp4 format when downloading from youtube..klu play kt phone n WMP11 bleh laa..since kt kolej aku pki yg kuno2 sket n aku mls nk ngangkut laptop ke hulu ke hilir (ke lecture hall or lab),kene la convert to .avi, so ko guna converter ape ek nk convert?aku guna AVS free punya ada watermark la plak kt tgh2 video..
owh..lupe plak..muhammad zarif izzudin tu anak pada jamilah yang satu homeroom ngn ida dulu ek..heheh
EdaManAli said…
sy juge merupakn silent reader blog anda, wahai ibu zarif...

sorry lambt reply, cuba reply kt blog anda, tp xklua2 tmpt utk komen tu...
software yg sy pakai name dia Super, product eRightSoft...free je. xde watermark jugee. mcm2 format bleh convert. video ke MP3 juge boleh...cuba laa...
owh..ye ke tak boleh..patut la pun my sisters nk comment tak dapat2..heheh..seb baik ida gtau..fixed already..tq..n tqvm also for the Super suggestion..

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