Jom, edit2 gamba...

Aku telah diperkenalkn dgn Photoscape...

Smlm bace blog Afiq, ibu Afiq ade cite psl software ni kt blog Afiq. Software utk edit2 gmba dgn mudah. so aku pn donlod & install laa software tu. jgk & sng nk pakai. aku try laa gmba aisyah dulu. tgk aisyah dh jd ape...heheheee...pstu gmba iman mase baby plak. korang pn buleh try...

aisyah bkn ajak g party liar tau, tp ajak g party tupperware...heheheee...aisyah kn gud girl...

cam naughty sgt je...


"The Best is yet to be"

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Agoogoo said…!
and sooo cute...!

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