Profile Pic - Tag
Kene tag ngn Connie...lg...
1.Letakkan gambar profile anda, baik lah...

2.Terangkan apa maksud gambar itu?
It shows me, a 'very love to sengih girl' (cam org xbtol plak maksudnye)...this photo was taken on Raya 2007. at that time I was at my aunt house. the full photo is i'm holding my son this one...
this was the 2nd shot, my profile pict was shot earlier than this one(xjmpe full photo nye) & I was not ready...yg ni cam OK skit senyum nye...
3.Kenapa pilih atau letak gambar itu?
No reason, I chose it randomly from my photo collections...I crop the photo using Picasa, put sepia effect...& there u go...
Orite...I choose to tag these lucky people...
kalo free, buat laa yea...
"The Best is yet to be"
1.Letakkan gambar profile anda, baik lah...

2.Terangkan apa maksud gambar itu?
It shows me, a 'very love to sengih girl' (cam org xbtol plak maksudnye)...this photo was taken on Raya 2007. at that time I was at my aunt house. the full photo is i'm holding my son this one...

3.Kenapa pilih atau letak gambar itu?
No reason, I chose it randomly from my photo collections...I crop the photo using Picasa, put sepia effect...& there u go...
Orite...I choose to tag these lucky people...
kalo free, buat laa yea...
"The Best is yet to be"