My Lil' Aisyah

Was taken a few days back by my sister, K.Ngah at K.e's house...using her Canon EOS 350D Rebel XT...these are not her best shots(the battery was weak & the flash light was not enough, that's what she said)...but I love it so much...that day I forgot to bring my flash drive so, I uploaded these photos from her notebook into EOE Online(remember EOE Online??)...then I grab the photos from there...very easy...I'm not promoting okay, it really very easy...yeah, I admit it!! My lil' Aisyah just turn 3 months today...


"The Best is yet to be"
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Agoogoo said…
comeynye esah 50sen ni..
Ibu Aizara said…
credit to me, yeah....
EdaManAli said…
mcm knl je esah 50sen tuh...

yeah, credit to U sis...
CoNniE said…
comei nyer Aisyah....
ratu hatiku said…
betul3x..memang comel
~Queen Q~ said…
tak pe lah akak.. akak jadi kwn que lah.. cian akak xde kwn.. ehehehehehe..

ni anak akak yg patah tangan tu ke??
EdaManAli said…
Queen Q : a' lah bdk yg br patah tgn last week...huhuhuuuu...mmg xreti duk diam ni...

OK, be my friend ek...

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