Tagged again...

Br lps lipat kain, gosok bju, kemas brg2 ank2 nk ke taska esk...alamak, Connie ade tag aku. rasenye dh 2 ari kot...kene wat ni...

Heheh...tag kali ni baguuusss skali psl dpt blog award...

The rules:
* Place the award logo on your blog.
* Nominate 10 other blogs which show "Attitude and/or Gratitude"
* Link to the nominees on your blog post.
* Comment on their blog that you have nominated them.
* Share the love and link to the person who nominated you

I forward this award, with love to :
  1. Kak Ngah
  2. Kak Lang
  3. Ude
  4. Wawa (lg 2 bln la br msk ntry dia nmpknye...)
  5. Ita
  6. Kak Long Nuzula
  7. Nouri
  8. Gyra
  9. Wenn
  10. Ulfa
Dan pada semua rakan2 blog yang ku sayangi.. huhuuuu...(ayat Connie)


"The Best is yet to be"


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