I was very happy yesterday...after 4 days giving up, finally my Aisyah uu'uk...thank god...sound disgusting but yeaahhhh...I was happy for Aisyah & still am. I decided to continue my breastfeed to my bby, give FM only when needed & stop being so worried about Aisyah's problem.
Yesterday around 2 pm
-I do some house chores
-Iman sleeps as well as her sister
-Took this opportunity to solah & lunch
-heard Aisyah cooing..."She wakes up, must be hungry..."
-Took Aisyah, at the same time smell something...( kacang rebus pn ade, kacang ape tu yg kaler kuning tu...heheh...sorry ye p'gemar kacang rebus...)
-Check her diaper, heheh...something has filling the diaper...(bak kate atuk, ade brg ni...)
-smile..."My Aisyah dh b***k...Alhamdulillah"
-get her new diaper, wet tissue...clean her...(byk giler slps 4 ari collect)
-then feed her, she continue her sleep
ni pn nk citer dlm blog...heheh...for me, this is a good news since I was very worried about my bby 'poo-poo' problem...hope she will continue b***k regularly...
"The Best is yet to be"
kene byk2 minum milo.
Kt Manjaku, bangi? kene overnite kt kajang lg lah ni? mamak 'pull-tea' xleh ke??? huhuhuhuuuu
pttnye wat tajuk nih..hahaaha