Leganya dlm ati, Tuhan je tahu...

citenye gini...Eam blk skolah naik bas ekspress ke JB smlm, on her own. nk wat canne, xkn everytime org nk kene anta kot + nk ajar dia b'diri di atas kaki sndiri. JB, jauh gak tu. dlm perasaan risau yg t'amat kami berserah pd Allah utk jge Eam. kami t'pakse lpskn dia blk sndiri w/pn dia sndiri xconfident dpt blk sndiri. pg smlm aku tgk Eam msm je muka, moncong mulut pjg sedepa. abah mcm slalu nyanyi lgu feveret bile situasi mcm ni b'laku. "ale gi muko gajoh, ale balik muko tikuh" (loghat: klate, besut pure). sblm dia b'lps kami pesan srh call kami soon after she arrive safely at her hostel/school. but she didn't call anyone of us. dlm kerisauan tu kami t'tya2 dh smpai ke blom & start making assumption that she might be tired & rested at he dorm untill she forgot to call us. pastu ummi pesan kt aku srh call pej asrama dia ari ni laa. Alhamdulillah warden on duty bgtau aku dia dh smpai dgn selamatnya. lega & b'syukurnya aku ke hadrat Ilahi.
sbnrnye aku xtau nk ckp mcm mane psl adik aku ni. on her age of 13 she choose to stay at a boarding school which is far away from home, from family. which is also good to be one of STF students (ant skolah t'baik mesia). she should have thought all of this, thought of doing everything on her own, know how to take care of her self, be independent, dun let 'homesick' desease attack her mind. but it looks like she enjoy school'ing there, with her friends (she always get excited when story about her friend, about everything happened at her school - that's mean she like most of it). except when school holidays come, she started making us worry (esp. me! becoz she will call me to tell everything - tiket abis ka, kwn2 suma blk ka, beg skolah putuih ka, srh jemput dia blk ka...bla..bla..). aku xjemu2 melayan dia. smpai tahap aku pn naik risau, aku akn share ngn kakak2ku sekalian. smpaikn kakak yg jauh di UK pn aku habaq! no choice, kami sepakat srh dia blaja blk sndiri. w/pn kami risau. kdg2 aku compare ngn diri aku mase aku sebaya Eam. time tu, aku duk b'kepit ngn ummi & family. msk skolah asrama kt K.Trg xsmpai 11 ari dh blk. mmg xleh b'dikari. bkn xleh b'dikari tp xthn homesick gilerr. Eam dpt b'thn smpai ari ni. actually aku pn xtau dia homesick ke x...homesick gaknye tp xchronic kot. dr JB nk kene blk sndiri, naik bas sndiri. kalo aku, aku dh nangis dh. tp lps dpt tau dia selamat, aku rase dia mmg bleh b'dikari. cuma perlu brani & confident je. lps ni insyaAllah xde mslh. arap2 Eam OK kt STF. Blaja rajin2 tau Eam, jd best student kt sane. make us proud of U. kalo xleh blaja bgtau awal2, kite tukar skolah...
Ya Allah, Kau peliharalah keselamatan adikku walau di mana dia berada. Amin...