Awal-awal Dah Hitung Hari Dah...

Celik mata pagi ni rase happy sebab hari ni dah 8 ikut kiraan dlm application kat phone...well it's a long way to go...x sabar nak berakhir padahal check up pon blom lg...dah call klinik haritu, diorang suruh dtg next week on wednesday...bleh bukak buku merah...yeay!!...

And today is the last day of school for this kids are so excited to have school break...padahal xde plan nk bercuti mane2 pon...xde feel nak ke mane2 pon dlm musim mcm ni...rase nak baring depan tv je insyaAllah nak blk kg...rehat ngan ummi kat kg lah ye anak2...sambil2 ummi buat tusyen utk kamu...


Mrs Shyza said…
tahniah k.ida!!!wah,kalo betul keluar 27/6 tu,sama bday dgn suami sy la tuh :D

semoga semuanya berjalan lancar...take care! :)

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