Play to cheer the day...

This supposed to be last Sunday entry, but it still not too late to story it here, right? better late than never...
We didn't know where to take our children that day. Actually I still felt tired eventhough the previous day was also my off day. If we are not going anywhere on weekends, I'll fill the whole days doing my house chores & look after my kids. That's explain why I'm always tired...
My lil boy was not feeling well that day(flu, cough, mild fever) & he still is. But looking at his boring face, we felt that we had to cheer him up. So, we took our children to Taman Tasik Shah Alam, the nearest taman tasik at our place. Iman love to play at playground, everytime he sees playground, he will shout "igaun, igaun" = playground laa tu...Before arrive, my husb stopped at Petronas pump station to buy something for us to eat & drink. I bought some Dunkin Donut for Iman, since he lost his appetite to eat nasi due to his flu, fever & so on... I hoped he will eat the donut, & yes he ate half of it...(*happy*). We find a place to sit, & my husb ask all of us to eat 1st before we play(mkn is always come 1st *wink*). Then he took Iman to play, I just watched them play as I have to be with Aisyah...My husb took a few photos of us. Looking back at those photos I think we failed to cheer Iman up, his unwell has took over his good mood. In fact until now he often cries & shows his bad mood...:sigh: we hope he will get better soon, play, laugh, eat, sleep soundly as always...

faces of Iman

I said to my husb, "Abg, sejak b'4 ni kite xpnh b'gamba skali kn" & this is the results after a few attempts of putting us together in a photo...hahahaaa...


"The Best is yet to be"
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Agoogoo said…
klakor tgk aksi2 korang m'squeezekan diri masing2..huhu..
EdaManAli said…
sboleh2nye nk interframe...hahahaaaa...ank2 xheran pn, mak bapak je yg over...
idafatimah said…
tu la..xnk ajk..klu tak bleh dpt gambar 1 family yg cantek lg artistic..tgk la kt blog sy..dpt amik gambar bacground KLCC..puass rase..
EdaManAli said…
tu la..xnk ajk..klu tak bleh dpt gambar 1 family yg cantek lg artistic..tgk la kt blog awk..kalu x msti dpt amik gambar my family dgn background KLCC..msti x puass rase..
Idama said…
comel nyo iman pakai bj abg yan....

bila masanyo g tuh...?
EdaManAli said…
ari ahd laa...tu laa, xnk ikut...

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